ALDE Group Summer Academy joint statement


By educating and engaging young Europeans of today we ensure and strengthen our Europe of tomorrow

The future of Europe depends on the youth: by fielding young candidates and educating future generations we can ensure it not only survives but thrives.

For the upcoming European Parliament elections, we want to see creative, citizen-centred campaigns that are done online, targeted at youth and concretely explaining what the EU is and has done for each and every one of us.

As Young liberals and democrats we call on ALDE Group member parties to fully embrace digital campaigning to demystify the workings of the EU for young people across Europe.

We call for concrete solutions for reforming the European Union, moving from talk to action.

We want e-democracy and transnational lists, a true fight against youth unemployment, forward-looking copyright laws, and ensuring the rule of law is applied in an equal and just manner.

We want an inclusive Europe, fighting all forms of intolerance and promoting educational programmes targeting skills of the 21st century and building emotional intelligence. We want a Europe of citizens and not a Europe of borders, a Europe that protects the civil, political and social rights and freedoms no matter where people come from or their background.

The challenges of today can only be solved globally, and therefore we want a Europe that guides the world in the fight for peace, prosperity and justice.


The Summer Academy participants are young liberals and democrats from across Europe, members of European Liberal Youth and Young Democrats for Europe. For the majority of the participants the 2-day seminar in the European Parliament in Brussels was their first event on European level.

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Young Democrats for Europe (YDE)
Jeunes Democrates Europeens (JDE)
YDE is the youth wing of the European Party.We embrace the key role of democratic principles, underlined in the Lisbon Treaty and shrined in our political belief: democracy, freedom, equality, participation, sustainability and solidarity.

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