YDE Council – March’14 : European elections as a focus

YDE Council - March 2014

On 27.2-1.3.2014, delegations from Young Democrats for Europe met in Brussels and participated in the EDP Council. During this Council, the European elections manifesto was approved unanimously. This manifesto promotes a more united and stronger Europe. New members joined our party: 2 individual members from the German “Freie Wähler”.

This EDP event was an opportunity to gather EDP youths. A YDE council was therefore organised, in which we discussed our projects and our future strategy for the upcoming European elections. 

One of our projects is titled 10years for 10 countries within the European Union. The 1st of May will be the 10th anniversary of the biggest EU enlargement. Concerning this event, we have started to question youngsters from these countries to find out how they feel after 10 years in the European Union. This questionnaire is available in Slovak, Poland, Greek and English.

This is just the beginning: follow us and stay informed with our latest news, events and projects.

This Guy for President!


The European Democratic Party has chosen Guy Verhofstadt, former Belgian Prime Minister and current leader of the ALDE group in the European Parliament, as its candidate for the European Commission Presidency. The Young Democrats for Europe supports this decision.

Other Facebook covers exist in Basque, in German, in Slovak, in Italian, in French, in English and in Polish (you can ask them by email : info(at)youngdemocrats.eu)

Guy za prezidenta!


Európska demokratická strana (European Democratic Party) si zvolila Guya Verhofstadta, bývalého belgického premiéra a súčasného lídra skupiny ALDE (liberáli) v Európskom parlamente, za svojho kandidáta na prezidenta Európskej komisie. Mladí demokrati za Európu podporili toto rozhodnutie. Ďalšie pozadia na facebook existujú v baskičtine, nemčine, slovenčine, taliančine, francúzštine, angličtine a polštine (môžete o ne požiadať na emailovej adrese: info(at)youngdemocrats.eu)

Európske záležitosti na miestnej úrovni

Francúzske mesto Štrasburg je znakom nového kroku našej európskej organizácie s našou sériou zhromaždení, ktoré sa týkajú najdôležitejších európskych otázok. Je tak nasledovníkom nášho zhromaždenia zameraného na otázku nezamestnanosti mládeže, ktoré sa usktočnilo v novembri v Paríži a v decembri v Košiciach. Počas pracovných dní v jednom zo sŕdc hlavných európskych miest, nás 14. decembra privítali dvaja z našich francúzskych členov, Jeunes Démocrates a Jeunes Forces Démocrates.

Ohniskom nášho záujmu v nadchádzajúcih voľbách do Európskeho parlamentu boli dve rozdielne témy: ako nám môže pomôcť miesta úroveň a mládež? More…

Young Democrats for Europe (YDE)
Jeunes Democrates Europeens (JDE)
YDE is the youth wing of the European Party.We embrace the key role of democratic principles, underlined in the Lisbon Treaty and shrined in our political belief: democracy, freedom, equality, participation, sustainability and solidarity.

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