Europe is a political project

The VI EDP Congress, held in Brussels, has just concluded after two days of discussion. More than 100 delegates, coming from 17 different countries have attended. The Congress took place during a signifying period for Europe and Italy.

With regards to Italy, the previous days had been marked by a controversy between Italian and German governments about the Italian debt; controversy arisen from the words of Angela MERKEL against Italian policies about debt reduction animating the last few weeks of the Italian semester.
Regarding the Italian presidency of EU Council semester, Matteo RENZI said that “we faced a big challenge: to find the soul of the EU and to find the deep sense of European togetherness” and “this challenge inevitably affected our results”. Indeed, the Italian presidency results seem below our expectations – as Matteo RENZI admits – but in consideration of the hard troubles we had to tackle, we still managed to achieve important results such as the review of tax policies and a better coordination among member states. Anyway, these achievements have not been perceived by the population: Europe is still identified as foreign institution.
At present time, the quotation of a former President of the Italian Republic, Carlo Azeglio CIAMPI, is still topical: he defined Europe mainly “a political project”.

For such reasons, we must be aware that EDP role is very important: a crucial role because we – as EDP members – are concrete politicians and we have tried, even during our conference, to bring a human dimension to EU policy and policies. Our way to be politicians is intended not just as “muscle power show”, but mainly as the courage to suggest the right solutions, even if they could be difficult to understand at a first sight. We really believe that such behaviour will bring European people closer to our party.

On November 23rd, local elections in Calabria marked an amazing achievement for us, by electing Flora SCULCO, a young woman who joined the EDP project, as Congress delegate and Calabria MRP. During her electoral campaign, we talked a lot about European Institution and about all the issues we recently discussed in Brussels EDP Congress: economic growth and employment recovery, fiscal convergence, common foreign policy, immigration and fight against human trafficking. We have the proof that such topics are not unrealistic and they stimulate the debate among people and between our party and people.

In conclusion, a short hint about a crucial theme, the sustainable development. Lima’s summit (COP20), the environmental summit preparatory to Paris Conference, has just ended without gaining significant results, nevertheless reaching some progress in the fight against climate change that, we all know, represents a real challenge for the future.
The Young Democrats for Europe (YDE) will surely engage with passion these challenging issues. Together we can realize the project of Europe as a political union.

By Laura Venneri

A busy December for the European Democrats


6ème Congrès du PDE

Following the 2014 European elections, the EDP held its Congress in Brussels on the 10th and 11th of December. Delegates from our organisation attended the Congress and we also organised a Board and Council meeting.


Concluding the first 3 months of the new Board team, these meetings were an occasion to end the preparations of our 2015 initiatives and actions. These two days were also a warm gathering of Democrats during this festive period. With more than 80 delegates coming from 17 countries, the EDP adopted a motion supported by the Young Democrats for Europe on the importance of having a Democrat political family and cooperating with Liberals in Europe.

Our president Miroslava took the floor during the EDP Congress:

“This is not the first time I get the floor at a EDP meeting but today I am honoured to speak as the newly elected president of the Youth of the EDP and therefore to be the voice of all our members. I would like to underline some changes I think are the most important within our youth organisation:

  • the first milestone was the third congress of our organisation in September in Bilbao. I want to thank our Basque organisation, EGI, as well as the Basque national party. This was crucial and helped us to move toward a renewal: a new 10-member Board was elected with me as President and Mathieu Camescasse as Secretary General, new youth organisations were welcomed – our friends from National forum and UDI – as well as individual members. Our internal problems solved, we could now start anew on an improved and stronger footing and help you.
  • Today we also held our third Board meeting. These regular meetings allow me drawing up new policies. Being exemplary is our objective and I am therefore happy to announce that we have adopted a new Code of Ethics. We want to assure you, as well as everybody, we will work to be an example, to share our common values and beliefs, and be responsible and accountable with regard to finances. We will spend public money wisely.
  • These sound bases allow us working on concrete projects, and on specific issues. One of our next challenges is to strengthen our cooperation and work effectively with the Institute of European democrats and the ALDE group. But more especially and first of all to be the pro-active youth organisation of the European Democratic Party and work closely with you, our MEPs, our MPs. We aim at bringing your work to Youths and European citizens. We will be pleased to work with your office and assistants.”


©Soazig de la Moissonniere

Romanian presidential elections : a surprise victory and the lessons we can draw from here

Mihai Sebe, PhD

On November 16th 2014 the Romanian political landscape has been shaped by the victory in the second round of presidential elections of Klaus IOHANNIS, the candidate of the Christian-Liberal Alliance (center-right) in front of the social-democrat Prime-minister Victor PONTA.

It was the highlight of a rather dull electoral campaign that has been radicalised between the two electoral rounds due to a series of errors done by the governing party who led to the victory of the opposition candidates with a 54,43%. It is also important to notice the high voting turnout of 64,10%.

This was for many Romanians a reel surprise taken into consideration the difference of public notoriety between the two candidates and their supporting parties as well as the resources used.

But what does this election change?

We have for the first time a minority president, a “New” man: from the ethnic point of view – a member of the German minority – as well as religious – being a protestant – all this on the background of a nationalistic political campaign conducted by his political opponents – this a message of the Romanian people toward West.

The main causes of the victory

Klaus IOHANNIS has won due to 3 elements apparently unrelated:

1) the Romanian diaspora

It was not the vote of the Romanian diaspora in itself that brought the victory of Klaus IOHANNIS but the improper management of the elections abroad by the Romanian government. The inadequate number of voting offices abroad, doubled by the strong emotion produces by the incidents between the Romanian citizens and the law enforcement forces across Europe, due to their impossibility to vote, proven to be a decisive factor for the undecided citizens. Back home there was this impression that we were in front of a “premeditated action” which sought to stop the diaspora from voting. This impression brought up strong emotions and contributed to the victory of the opposition.

2) conflicts from within the Romanian Society

The 2011 – 2012 winter and 2013 protests on topics often alien to the general preoccupations of the society (use of cyanides in mining; fracking) have created an active minority from the civic point of view which, step by step, have succeed in motivating a critical mass of citizens to become interested in the political life while testing alternatives means of communication as regards the traditional medias.

This critical mass of citizens has succeeded in mobilizing itself from a political point of view in the decisive moments – we are dealing with a true civic « storm troop » who successfully uses political guerilla tactics against the authorities and the political parties too large to act in a similar fast way while having as background the support or at least a neutral attitude of the population.

Flag of Romania --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

3) civil society campaigns against corruption and the abuse of power

We have assisted these last months to a series of arrests within the ranks of representatives of the political class on the background of the hesitations or even the hostility of the politicians. The population thus had the impression that the social-democrat government and the Parliament where trying to protect those accused of corruption. Thus, as a logical conclusion, a victory of the social-democrat Prime minister would have given the impression that the anti-corruption campaign would have been stalled indefinitely and that he, in his capacity as president, would have tried to limit its actions.

Lessons to be learnt from the presidential campaign

1) the role of the traditional media in the political debate

The traditional media have an important role but we must overestimate their force. A good campaign that uses alternates means of communication could be successful. A good campaign that uses alternative communication tools can be successful. The traditional « partisan » media have their role but for a greater effectiveness, impartiality and respect of the truth, the new media guarantee a better access to information.

2) the role of the Internet and of social networks

The new media can change everything like was the case with these elections when the Romanian Diaspora, who was expecting to vote, sent into the country, trough these tools, an important number of discontent to their families and friends, who, spread them even further. We have assisted to a media avalanche where every receptor becomes also a transmitter.

3) the issue of the Diaspora

Until now, the emigrants had a predominantly economic role trough the money they sent to their families. But, on the background of an insufficiently detailed electoral regulations (the absence of electronic and correspondence vote) and on the background of an ineffective organization on the official side, the Diaspora played a key role in the political struggle: from now one the electoral force of the Diaspora is to be fully taken into consideration.

4) the importance of youth

Many electoral strategists often ignore the youth as they are considered to be an unstable electorate, whose support for a partisan cause is difficult to maintain. With this electoral campaign the youth had an exemplary mobilization in regard to other previous elections and their votes change the results. The youth is not receptive to the traditional ways of partisan mobilization and they are quite selective and react better to the new media.

5) the overrated role of the (Romanian Orthodox) Church

The Romanian Orthodox Church, that many perceive as a very influent factor within the rural areas has generally guarded, in my opinion, a politically and religiously neutral attitude and didn’t involved itself, with minor exceptions, in a negative campaign fought upon religious differences.

6) the importance of political values – the fight against corruption and the « system »

It is to be noted that values still count. If we base a political campaign on real values, and if we chose candidates able to respect and promote these universal values (such as democracy, respect of laws, etc.) the chances for success multiply exponentially.

« In making judgments, the Early Kings were perfect, because they made moral principles the starting point of all their undertakings and the root of everything that was beneficial. This principle, however, is something that persons of mediocre intellect never grasp. Not grasping it, they lack awareness, and lacking awareness, they pursue profit. But while they pursue profit, it is absolutely impossible for them to be certain of attaining it.»

Lü Bu-wei 246 B.C., Chinese Prime Minister under Emperor Ying Zheng, The Annals of Lü Bu-wei, Lu Shi Chun Qiu

7) political peculiarities of urban vs. rural areas

The electors from urban area are more unstable and have the tendency to vote for the centre-right. It is this electorate that can make a difference but this requires as a prerequisite a very well organized party and by saying this we arrive to our final lesson of this campaign.

8) the importance of retaining the loyalty of the electoral stronghold and the role of an intensive door to door campaign – the role of activists and of the analyses

Must be developed a political apparatus able to make a door to door electoral campaign, a great network, with members ready to mobilize and who are acting on a professional basis.

Thus, having as basis of research the results from previous elections it is imperative to « personalize » every electoral circumscription and to correctly identify the social and cultural specificities of the citizens from this circumscription in order to undergo a more personalized campaign.

More importantly it is essential to have a well defined direction in order to know the way to go forwards and to respect the vision accompanied this way because even is words may vary, so can the circumstances.

The November 16th vote is yet at the beginning of its effects. It comes to set free a whole range of social and political energies yet difficult to quantify and it requires an in-depth analysis. Are we really dealing with a positive vote, in favor of Klaus IOHANNIS or, most likely, with a negative vote against the Romanian political elite? Is this the signal of a more profound political change? We are about to see as history never sleeps.

The EU has to promote and defend regional identities

The recognition of regional identities and cultures and the democratic right for people to decide of their own political future are European Union funding principles.

In Bilbao this year, Young Democrats for Europe have reminded their attachment to these principles while voting a motion on democratic dispute resolutions and the right to resolve political disputes by means of democratic process.

This self-determination, as it was named by the United Nations, has to be protected and guaranteed, in the Union as in every legal state, as a condition of the democracy stability.

The Scots yesterday, the Catalans today : the European Union and the member States have to hear and recognise these people’s request for giving their opinion about their political and economical future. Yesterday, Catalans were asked two questions: whether they wanted Catalonia to be a State and whether this State should become independent from Spain.

The Young Democrats for Europe ask the European Union to insure and maintain a climate of dialogue between the Spanish Government and Catalonia, and help Catalonia to lead its referendum process at its end. The votes has no direct legal consequences but in a way represents the freedom of expression of European people and shows that more discussions are needed to define how regional identities and cultures can be more taken into consideration.

For more details on this issue, you can also read the resolution adopted in Bilbao on the 27th of September 2014 on Democratic Dispute Resolution

Bilbao: A political renewal for the youths of the EDP

Coming from ten European countries, on the 26th, 27th and 28th of September, more than fifty delegates of European youth organisations gathered for a debate on the new political direction of the Young Democrats for Europe (YDE), the European Democratic Party youth organisation, and to renew their management team.

Meetings, exchanges and conviviality.

After Aitor Esteban – Spanish EAJ-PNV MP -, Matteo Fiorini – only YDE member who was Head of State – and Mihai Sebe’s speeches, the Congress opened with the previous team reports. Then, two organizations were accepted unanimously within the Young Democrats for Europe: UDI Jeunes (France) and Youth of the National Forum (Croatia). Significant changes to the statutes were adopted, which allow the organisation to be more dynamic and efficient with improvements such as a better integration of individual members. Finally, at the end of the day, a new team was elected based on different but complementary profiles. The new YDE team, led by Miroslava Demkova, will aim at revitalizing  the structure and expanding it.

This Congress was the occasion for the Young Democrats for Europe to reaffirm their long-term political project for the coming years. Projects on Youth unemployment and empowerment in politics, EU foreign policy and peoples’ self-determination in Europe  will be launched in the coming weeks.

Throughout this weekend, different activities organized by the young Basques from Euzko Gaztedi Indarra also allowed delegates to discover the Basque culture. This Congress ended with the Basque National Party day, one of the most important annual events in the Basque Country gathering more than 50,000 people.

Young Democrats for Europe (YDE)
Jeunes Democrates Europeens (JDE)
YDE is the youth wing of the European Party.We embrace the key role of democratic principles, underlined in the Lisbon Treaty and shrined in our political belief: democracy, freedom, equality, participation, sustainability and solidarity.

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