ALDE Summer School

Members of Young Democrats for Europe (YDE) have participated in the last Summer School organized by ALDE Group in collaboration with YDE and LYMEC last June 5th to 7th in Brussels.

A key topic was discussed there with several professionals of both political organizations, politicians and young participants, “One year ahead of the European Elections: the Voice of the Youth”. We are all focussing on the significance of the next European Elections of May 2014 and the vital need of participance of the European Youth to build the next European Parliament and so, the future of the desired Europe.

Citizens must be protagonists of the European Project.

From YDE we are worried because the youth has forgotten what Europe meant, what Europe gave to us. We got used to it. Have we achieved all we wanted? Let’s stop only criticising and let’s be the movement working into building our dreamed Europe.

YDE wants to remark the importance of Europe, it gave us freedom to move, to study, to travel, to work, to think globally from our local diversities. Our approach towards the oncoming elections must be maintaining what we have achieved and draw the path that will lead us to higher wellness standards in a global, diverse and unified Europe.

Build a renewed Europe with us!

Cappa (YDE): Appello per un governo europeista

Roma – “Vogliamo fortemente che ci sia più Europa in Italia e un’Italia più forte in Europa. Per questo abbiamo deciso simbolicamente di incontrarci con un flashmob al Colosseo con i rappresentanti della generazione Erasmus sventolando le bandiere dell’Europa.” Così dichiara Marco Cappa, Presidente dei Giovani Democratici Europei che hanno riunito questo weekend a Roma il proprio Bureau per lanciare un appello europeista alle forze politiche italiane in corsa per le elezioni del prossimo 24-25 Febbraio.

Nell’anno in cui si celebra la cittadinanza europea e, nonostante le pulsioni euroscettiche della Gran Bretagna, si stanzia un bilancio UE di 1000 miliardi di Euro per il 2014-2020 , appare evidente che l’Europa non possa essere derubricata a uno dei tanti temi della campagna elettorale. L’Europa è il centro gravitazionale delle politiche economiche, di sviluppo, ambientali e di innovazione per il nostro paese – continua Cappa – Occorre dunque un governo fortemente europeista per riportare l’Italia al centro delle decisioni di Bruxelles. Solo così applicheremo gli standard europei nei settori dove l’Italia è oggettivamente in ritardo: ricerca, innovazione, pressione fiscale, ritardi nella giustizia, ecc. “

Da ultimo, un invito agli elettori a valutare attentamente il rischio di un voto a forze euroscettiche e populiste. In tempi di difficoltà economica e sociale, l’esasperazione può portare al voto di protesta che si scontra però con la necessaria e paziente opera di riforma e avanzamento del nostro paese – conclude Cappa – D’altronde, perchè accontentarsi di 5 stelle quando se ne possono avere 27? Quelle dell’Unione Europea, ovviamente.”


Roma, 16 gennaio 2013

Alde and YDE Winter School

Dear friends,

It is our pleasure to invite to the annual ALDE, LYMEC and YDE academy that will take place in the European Parliament in Bruxelles 5th and 6th of December. The programme of the event will start in the early afternoon of the 5th December so please plan your arrivals accordingly. Your departure should be planned for 7th of December at any time.

Programe of the event: DOWNLOAD (Updated on 21.11.2012)

Obama: “The best has yet to come”

Barack Obama is once again the President of the United States of America after an overwhelming victory that underlines once again what we declared many times during this campaign: Mitt Romney has been considered by Americans simply unfit. The night had begun with many of the swing states too close to call but finally Obama held seven of the nine battlegrounds upon which his presidency had been founded: Ohio, Virginia, New Hampshire, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa and Wisconsin.

During the victory speech, Obama used a bipartisan approach to politics and returned once again to his theme of hope. The President told the enthusiastic supporters: “Tonight in this election, you, the American people, reminded us that while our road has been hard, while our journey has been long, we have picked ourselves up, we have fought our way back. And we know in our hearts that for the United States of America the best is yet to come.”

Obama will face soon the negotiations with the GOP-oriented Congress but he made clear he had an agenda in mind for his second term: reforming the tax code, tackling climate change and facing immigration. On this last point, it is important to remind how effective was the Dream Act in order to get the support of the Hispanic communities and how coherent was the strategy of opening US society to minorities. Also, the Obamacare revealed itself crucial for 40 millions of Americans and for an improvement of the welfare system. And now, the President will preside the economic recovery by investing on education, small businesses and new businesses.

The campaign has been a referendum on Obama. Although there was some disillusionment Americans decided to stick with the incumbent. He will secure a stronger America in a safer world. He will definitely support European integration process, supervise the peace-process in Middle East and install a cooperation with new Chinese leadership. With the essential support of Bill Clinton (still the most appreciated political figure in USA), Michelle and Joe Biden, Obama accomplished the mission and will drive the USA for four more years. On the other side, a new generation of Republicans such as Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio will try to enlarge the GOP welcoming women, Hispanics and other minorities.

Congratulations Mr. President. Young Democrats for Europe are glad that the global democratic leader is still there. At the White House.

Young Democrats for Europe (YDE)
Jeunes Democrates Europeens (JDE)
YDE is the youth wing of the European Party.We embrace the key role of democratic principles, underlined in the Lisbon Treaty and shrined in our political belief: democracy, freedom, equality, participation, sustainability and solidarity.

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